On Day 7 on my other
blog, which I cannot access at the moment, I showed I colored and sewed these baby wipes using dye ink. I also lamented that I was drawing a blank as to how to use them.
I decided to deconstruct them.
I call this
The River Sticks.

I could have named it River Bamboo, but that would not have been as effective as my take on the River Styx. For those who don't know, the River Styx is a mythological river that runs between earth and the underworld, or Hades. I thought the wipe wrapped bamboo looked like boats.

Here are a few more close-ups.

I used E6000 to attach the large bamboo and the adhesive leaked through the fabric, much to my chagrin.

For this entry, which is Day 20 of 22 leading up to bEARTHday, I recycled my bamboo (3 small and one medium), free from my yard, a piece of gifted fabric, deconstructed baby wipes, and three buttons from my button box. You can tell they are used, because they are old and don't match.
Thank you SO much for finding me on the internet. I am thrilled you followed me here. I am sick about what has happened and I have NO idea if I'll be able to gain access to my blog ever again or not. Right now I am treating this as temporary, because
I can't even get a translator to work in my gadgets menu I finally got a translator that will help anyone who needs a translation.
That is very originally how you used your wipes to create this fantastic piece of artwork! And I am thrilled about the title!
I wish you a happy weekend and some new ideas or new success to activate your old blog again!
Rike xx
P.S. I made a link of your new blog on my latest post.
I think this is amazing! What a fantastic way to use this prepaired recycled stripes! UNIQUE Elizabeth!A wonderful little hanger! I will link your new adress at AJJ and at my blog ♥♥♥
Don't worry too much - you will find a way to go on for sure. This new adress seems to be perfect!
Big hugs, Susi
hope you get your other blog sorted soon.. . I always visit even if I don't always leave a comment.. loving what you have done today
Those wipes just get better and better the more thrown at them and the worn they get Elizabeth fabulous mixed media piece. Thanks for the info regarding your blog, hope you can get it sorted or bring over your data. It's a busy time for me Easter so i'm not around much, will catch up with everyone asap. Easter HUGS Tracey xx
What a brilliant idea, Elisabeth - a stroke of genius to use them that way and I bet they'd look pretty good on paper, too, torn into strips that way. Love your take on the River Styx and love your piece.
So happy to have found your new blog and I echo what Tracey said - hope you can get into your old blog, or at least manage to transfer your data... maybe it's a whole brand new adventure and will be lots of fun!
Happy, happy Easter!
Cath x
Hello Elizabeth. How awful about your blog, our blogs mean so much to us, but at the very least you've managed to get this blog going, that's a positive.
"The River Sticks" - haha! very good. Your hanging is terrific, looks great even without the background story. I like the rectangle behind the hanging colours, that's really effective. The line of buttons finishes it off perfectly. Nice using the bamboo too.
It's a marvellous recycling piece.
I'm going to send another comment which you can delete when you've read it.
how horrific to imagine to loose the blog and not getting into again...
i set up the info on top of my current post. i´m sure many people will find you, esp susi´s will be a great blog to amplify! she has many visitors.
your artwork of this post is just GORGEOUS!! the river sticks... super idea! i immediately fell in love with it.
all the best for a fast solution of the blogger issues! xoxox
Wow! Baby wipes is one of those things I sometimes get for free due to coupons or Internet freebies, and it never occurred to me to use them for anything else! What a cool and colorful idea, and I love it. I can imagine how you feel right now about the other blog, and the frustration involved, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed that all will come back normally soon. Sending lots of hugs your way! RO
Found you! Hope you get your other blog sorted soon. Love the happy colours on this piece.
Love these river sticks - what a brilliant idea! I do hope you will get back to your blog! Posted on mine!! Dashing...as usual!!! Hugs, Chrisx
Oh no - what a nightmare to be locked out of your blog... that's horrible. I do hope you manage to get it sorted soon.
I've been a shockingly bad blog-visitor lately, so I'll be doing some catching up over there soon, as well as here. I love these glorious rainbow-wrapped dowels and the whole hanging is full of life and colour and spontaneity. The frayed threads add such movement, and I love the groupings of trios - the three wraps and the three buttons. Lovely!
Alison x
This is beautiful, and looks so soft and touchable. Sorry about the blog problems. Hope you find a solution. Valerie
This are piece is just amazing I really love it
I am so sorry about your blog-I am not a tech person at all so I can't imagine what caused this--hope you get your blog back-hugs
Elizabeth-I just went to my blog list and clicked on your blog-and it's there! everything is there but of course not this post
I meant to add the link if you could click on it http://alteredbooklover.blogspot.com/
I love what you have done with this recycled piece.
I'm hoping you'll be able to get back into your old blog quickly. How frustrating!
Vert artistic and original piece! Love that the elements are so varied. Your old blog works for me too. 🙂
Elizabeth, if your old blog is really inaccessible, you might try finding it on the Wayback Machine.
So much texture and color- plus stitching. I like it!! Hope you can back into your blog. Those computer glitches are so frustrating. Happy Easter.
Absolutely amazing, Elizabeth. Hugs, my dear friend.
How FRUSTRATING about being locked out of your blog. And ridiculous on Blogger's part. Sorry to hear about the trouble. But I am glad I got to see this as it is a gorgeous wall hanging. It is hard to believe those colorful strips are baby wipes. They look almost like felt. This is an awesome use for them and a great way to recycle. Very very clever my friend. I hope your blog comes back quickly and that you have a Happy Easter. Hugs-Erika
So sorry you're having troubles on your blog. I've been trying to search for answers to the problem, but can't find anything helpful. I supposed you've tried to contact Blogger? I hope the problem gets resolved quickly.
Wonderful wall hanging and play on the River Styx. I adore puns.
Sorry you are having problems with blogger, although your other blog is there because I've just visited...so I do hope things can get sorted.
Loved this post today, everything is so colourful.
All the best Jan
Such a shame about your other blog -I know I'd be miserable if I got locked out of mine- and I hope the situation is settled soon. I'm glad you took this stop-gap measure.
I love your River Sticks!
Wonderfully done! Love the bright colors, the texture of the edges of the baby wipes, and even buttons! I'm in the process of doing a little post on my blog to let people know to visit you here, but from the number of comments, I see you must have been busy sending emails!! Hope you get it all figured out and adjusted the way you want. hugs dear friend!
A lovely piece of artwork you using baby wipes, very original for sure!
Sorry about your other blog Elizabeth, I hope you'll be able to recover it, they have so much of our lives and history in them.
Best of luck and hope you have a wonderful Easter :)
A wonderful and creative use of recycled materials Elizabeth! Sorry to hear about your blog problems - I hope they get resolved soon!
This is wonderful, Elizabeth! I like your take on the River Styx.
I'm so sorry for the loss of your HUGE blog. You're amazing how you pick up and carry on - no matter what. I'm praying you get your work of many years back soon!
Lovely craft creation. I saw your comment about your other blog, and came here. What happened? What is the problem / symptoms? Have you tried to contact Google support for help? If you describe what is going wrong, I can do a little searching around on the internet, to see if I can help you find a fix for the problem. Happy Easter (a day early) dear Elizabeth and Bleubeard.
on a cellular so please forgive shortness of reply. was able to access and comment
on your original blog, the bird book cover post just now❤️ I hope this means the
trouble has been resolved
Bummer about the blog situation! Hope you get it resolved soon.
Oh baby! what a good way to recycle you baby wipes! I love your River sticks.
I hope you will be able to get your blog back. I know Blogger is Cr... but i have not found anything else that is free.
I will put your new link on my blog.
Hope you have a lovely Easter in spite of your frustrations,
Hi Elizabeth. Hope you get sorted. However.....loving your baby wipes. Have a lovely Easter too. Hugs, Angela xXx
River Styx is a much better name and River Bamboo -- well done. It really is lovely and I so appreciate those springy colors.
Just so you know I tacked a note onto my current post about your blog predicament. I'm trying to think who it was who dealt with this earlier -- I think Diane at Lavender Dreamer. You might try emailing her to see if she has any suggestions -- she was locked out for a bit but came back in a week or two or so. Good luck. It's everyone's biggest fear.
love how the wipes look when torn apart! so textured and interesting.
Another great idea and wonderful finished project.
Thanks again for starting up this temporary blog.
Trying to catch up after the Easter holiday...love,love,love this Elizabeth!!! The colors and textures are just fab, and you certainly are the creative queen of recycling!
So sorry to hear about your Blogger lock out- I had never heard of such a thing before. Glad you have been able to create a temporary spot.
What a lot has happened while I have had no net. I feel for you loosing access to your own blog. My original blog went AWOL years ago. I was so upset. I hope you do find a way to get it back.
A great post Elizabeth.
Yvonne xx
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